Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Writing text to an Image


In this project we are going to learn how we can add text to an image.

This can be used

  •  to create an Image quote in Python.
  • to create watermark in Python


We will be using PIL (pillow) Library in this project

To create Image we will use Image and ImageDraw module

To set fonts we will use ImageFont module


To write text on an image we will use multiline_text() method if ImageDraw module 


To Create an Image quote we require a background Image of our own choice on which we can write our quote

Lets define the tasks to be be performed for this project and work accordingly

Task 0: Import libraries:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

Task 1: Read an Image

imgObject=Image.open('full or relative path of your image')

Image.open() reads the image and returns an Image object

Task 2: Set the font of the text you want to add to the image

font_object = ImageFont.truetype("E:\\Font\\sunday-spring\\Sunday Spring.ttf", 350)

Download any font file of your own choice from google and  specify the path inside truetype() method of ImageFont class

If you font file is with extension .otf then you can call opentype() method of ImageFont class

font_object = ImageFont.opentype("E:\\Font\\sunday-spring\\Sunday Spring.otf", 350)

Task 3 : Creating ImageDraw object to draw text on an Image

drawing_object = ImageDraw.Draw(imgObject)

Inside the ImageDraw.Draw we need to specify image object so that we can bind the drawing pen to the image

Task 4: Write the text 

drawing_object.multiline_text((400,800), "MV's Code Guide", font=font_object, fill=(0, 0, 0))

With the drawing object call multiline_text() method to add multiline text or else you can call text() method to add single line text

Inside multiline_text() method :

  • First parameter is xy coordinate of Top left corner of the text.
  • Second Parameter is- Text to be drawn.
  •  Third parameter is : font – An ImageFont instance 
  • Fourth parameter is : fill – Color to use for the text.
You an also specify other parameter like
  • spacing – The number of pixels between lines.
  • align"left", "center" or "right".
  • direction – Direction of the text. It can be "rtl" (right to left), "ltr" (left to right) or "ttb" (top to bottom). Requires libraqm.

 Task 5: Save the new Image with text:


Full code:

#Example: Create Image Quote

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# create an image object
#imgObject = Image.new("RGB", (500, 500), (255, 255, 255))
imgObject=Image.open('Path of Image')
# get a font object
font_object = ImageFont.truetype("E:\\Font\\sunday-spring\\Sunday Spring.ttf", 350)
# get a drawing context
drawing_object = ImageDraw.Draw(imgObject)

# draw multiline text
drawing_object.multiline_text((400,800), "MV's Code Guide", font=font_object, fill=(0, 0, 0))
# save the image


Sunday, 13 September 2020

Extract Text From Image Using Python



We are going to use pytesseract and pillow library to work on this project!

Before you start coding, you need to complete three tasks:

1. Click on the link below and install tesseract-OCR


After you install the setup successfully, take a note of where you are saving the file because we need that path in our code.

2. Install pytesseract by using command : pip install pytesseract

3. Install pillow by using command : pip install pillow 


Source Code:

import pytesseract
from PIL import Image
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
print("Extracted Data is: \n ", text) 

Notice that if you want to add full path, you need to add double slash (\\) instead of single slash (\) in you path

For Example: If your path looks like this: D:\Python_Program\my_Image.jpg

Then replace \ with \\

something like : D:\\Python_Program\\my_Image.jpg


Add  alphabet 'r' before your string
example:     r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'

and then you are good to go!


Thursday, 10 September 2020

Spell Checker with Python

 We can use two different packages to create spell checker

1. Using textblob

2. Using pyspellchecker

Video Explanation:



 Source Code:

 Using textblob:

from textblob import TextBlob
misspelled_word= "Incorrct"
corrected_word= TextBlob(misspelled_word).correct()
print("Misspelled Word:",misspelled_word)
print("Corrected Word: ",corrected_word)

# you can also use list of misspelled words
for word in misspelled_word_list:
    print("Misspelled Word:",misspelled_word_list)
    print("Corrected Word: ",correct_word) 

Using pyspellchecker:

from spellchecker import SpellChecker
misspelled_word=spell.unknown(['Incorrct', 'Summry','Mondy','Spellng','Pyhon'])
for word in misspelled_word:
    print("Corrected word is ", spell.correction(word))
    print("Candidate words:",spell.candidates(word)) 

You can play around this code and make changes according to your need!

You can also read a text file and use this code to check the spellings in the file

from textblob import TextBlob
from spellchecker import SpellChecker

# you can also use list of misspelled words
print("\n\n**************************Using textblob**************************************")
misspelled_word_list= data.split()
for word in misspelled_word_list:
    print("\nWord: ",word)
    print("Corrected Word: ",correct_word)

print('\n***************************Using pyspellchecker***********************************')
for word in misspelled_word:
    print("\nword: ",word)
    print("Corrected word is ", spell.correction(word))
    print("Candidate words:",spell.candidates(word))




Artifcial intelligence (AI), someties called macine intelligence, is intellience demonstated by machines, unlike the
naural intelligence dislayed by humans and animls.

**************************Using textblob**************************************

Word:  Artifcial
Corrected Word:  Artificial


Word:  intelligence
Corrected Word:  intelligence


Word:  (AI),
Corrected Word:  (of),


Word:  someties
Corrected Word:  sometimes


Word:  called
Corrected Word:  called


Word:  macine
Corrected Word:  machine


Word:  intelligence,
Corrected Word:  intelligence,


Word:  is
Corrected Word:  is


Word:  intellience
Corrected Word:  intelligence


Word:  demonstated
Corrected Word:  demonstrated


Word:  by
Corrected Word:  by


Word:  machines,
Corrected Word:  machines,


Word:  unlike
Corrected Word:  unlike


Word:  the
Corrected Word:  the


Word:  naural
Corrected Word:  natural


Word:  intelligence
Corrected Word:  intelligence


Word:  dislayed
Corrected Word:  displayed


Word:  by
Corrected Word:  by


Word:  humans
Corrected Word:  humans


Word:  and
Corrected Word:  and


Word:  animls.
Corrected Word:  animals.


***************************Using pyspellchecker***********************************
<class 'set'>

word:  (ai),
Corrected word is  (ai),
Candidate words: {'(ai),'}


word:  someties
Corrected word is  sometimes
Candidate words: {'sometimes'}


word:  machines,
Corrected word is  machines
Candidate words: {'machines'}


word:  intelligence,
Corrected word is  intelligence
Candidate words: {'intelligences', 'intelligence'}


word:  demonstated
Corrected word is  demonstrated
Candidate words: {'demonstrated'}


word:  naural
Corrected word is  natural
Candidate words: {'natural', 'aural', 'neural'}


word:  dislayed
Corrected word is  displayed
Candidate words: {'displayed', 'dismayed'}


word:  animls.
Corrected word is  animals
Candidate words: {'animist', 'animus', 'animals', 'animism'}


word:  macine
Corrected word is  machine
Candidate words: {'machine', 'maine', 'racine', 'maxine', 'marine'}


word:  intellience
Corrected word is  intelligence
Candidate words: {'intelligence'}


word:  artifcial
Corrected word is  artificial
Candidate words: {'artifical', 'artificial'}
