We can use two different packages to create spell checker
1. Using textblob
2. Using pyspellchecker
Video Explanation:
Source Code:
Using textblob:
from textblob import TextBlob misspelled_word= "Incorrct" corrected_word= TextBlob(misspelled_word).correct() print("Misspelled Word:",misspelled_word) print("Corrected Word: ",corrected_word) # you can also use list of misspelled words print("========================================================") misspelled_word_list=['Incorrct','Mang','Summay','Watr','Appl'] for word in misspelled_word_list: correct_word=TextBlob(word).correct() print("Misspelled Word:",misspelled_word_list) print("Corrected Word: ",correct_word)
Using pyspellchecker:
from spellchecker import SpellChecker spell=SpellChecker() misspelled_word=spell.unknown(['Incorrct', 'Summry','Mondy','Spellng','Pyhon']) print(type(misspelled_word)) for word in misspelled_word: print("Corrected word is ", spell.correction(word)) print("Candidate words:",spell.candidates(word))
You can play around this code and make changes according to your need!
You can also read a text file and use this code to check the spellings in the file
from textblob import TextBlob from spellchecker import SpellChecker f=open('demo.txt','r') data=str(f.read()) print(data) # you can also use list of misspelled words print("\n\n**************************Using textblob**************************************") misspelled_word_list= data.split() for word in misspelled_word_list: correct_word=TextBlob(word).correct() print("\nWord: ",word) print('------------------------------') print("Corrected Word: ",correct_word) print("\n================================") print('\n***************************Using pyspellchecker***********************************') spell=SpellChecker() misspelled_word=spell.unknown(misspelled_word_list) print(type(misspelled_word)) for word in misspelled_word: print("\nword: ",word) print('--------------------------------------------') print("Corrected word is ", spell.correction(word)) print('--------------------------------------------') print("Candidate words:",spell.candidates(word)) print("\n================================") f.close()
Artifcial intelligence (AI), someties called macine intelligence, is intellience demonstated by machines, unlike the
naural intelligence dislayed by humans and animls.
**************************Using textblob**************************************
Word: Artifcial
Corrected Word: Artificial
Word: intelligence
Corrected Word: intelligence
Word: (AI),
Corrected Word: (of),
Word: someties
Corrected Word: sometimes
Word: called
Corrected Word: called
Word: macine
Corrected Word: machine
Word: intelligence,
Corrected Word: intelligence,
Word: is
Corrected Word: is
Word: intellience
Corrected Word: intelligence
Word: demonstated
Corrected Word: demonstrated
Word: by
Corrected Word: by
Word: machines,
Corrected Word: machines,
Word: unlike
Corrected Word: unlike
Word: the
Corrected Word: the
Word: naural
Corrected Word: natural
Word: intelligence
Corrected Word: intelligence
Word: dislayed
Corrected Word: displayed
Word: by
Corrected Word: by
Word: humans
Corrected Word: humans
Word: and
Corrected Word: and
Word: animls.
Corrected Word: animals.
***************************Using pyspellchecker***********************************
<class 'set'>
word: (ai),
Corrected word is (ai),
Candidate words: {'(ai),'}
word: someties
Corrected word is sometimes
Candidate words: {'sometimes'}
word: machines,
Corrected word is machines
Candidate words: {'machines'}
word: intelligence,
Corrected word is intelligence
Candidate words: {'intelligences', 'intelligence'}
word: demonstated
Corrected word is demonstrated
Candidate words: {'demonstrated'}
word: naural
Corrected word is natural
Candidate words: {'natural', 'aural', 'neural'}
word: dislayed
Corrected word is displayed
Candidate words: {'displayed', 'dismayed'}
word: animls.
Corrected word is animals
Candidate words: {'animist', 'animus', 'animals', 'animism'}
word: macine
Corrected word is machine
Candidate words: {'machine', 'maine', 'racine', 'maxine', 'marine'}
word: intellience
Corrected word is intelligence
Candidate words: {'intelligence'}
word: artifcial
Corrected word is artificial
Candidate words: {'artifical', 'artificial'}
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