Tuesday 12 May 2020

A Neuron

A Neuron

A neuron is a special biological cell that processes information. It is composed of a cell body or soma and two types of out-reaching tree like branches: the axon and the dendrites. The cell body has nucleus that contains information about hereditary traits and a plasma that holds the molecular equipments for producing material needed by the neuron.  A neuron receives signal (impulse) from other neurons through its dendrites (receivers) and transmits signals generated by its cell body along the axon (transmitter) which eventually branches into strands and sub strands. At the terminals of these strands are the synapses. A synapse is an elementary structure and functional unit between two neurons. When impulses reach the synapses terminal, certain chemicals called as Neurotransmitters are released. The neurotransmitters diffuse at synaptic gap to enhance or inhibit depending on the type of synapse, the receptor neuron’s own tendency to emit electrical impulses.  The synapse’s effectiveness can be adjusted by the signals passing through it so that synapses can learn from the activities in which they participate.
Neurons communicate with short train of impulses typically milliseconds in duration.

Stimulus⟶ Receptor⟶Neural Net⟶Effector⟶Response

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