Friday, 17 May 2024

Name Numerology





  1. Letter Value Mapping: The same dictionary letter_values is used to map each letter to its corresponding value.

  2. Convert to Lowercase: The input word is converted to lowercase.

  3. Initialize Total: A variable total is initialized to store the sum of the values.

  4. Iterate Over Characters: The program iterates over each character in the input word.

  5. Check for Valid Characters: It checks if the character exists in the letter_values dictionary.

  6. Calculate Value: For valid characters, it adds the corresponding value from the dictionary to the total.

  7. Sum Digits Function: A nested function sum_digits is defined to sum the digits of a number repeatedly until a single-digit number is obtained.

  8. Calculate Final Value: The sum_digits function is called with the total sum to get the final single-digit value.

  9. Return Final Value: The function returns the final single-digit value.

This code will prompt the user to enter a word, calculate the sum of its letter values, and then reduce the sum to a single-digit number by repeatedly summing its digits