Thursday, 14 May 2020

Activation Functions

Activation Function

A function used to transform the activation level of a unit (neuron) into an output signal is known as Activation Function.
In computation networks, the activation function of a node defines the output of that node given an input or set of inputs.

In biologically inspires neural networks, the activation function is usually an abstraction representing the art of action potential firing in the cell. In simplest form, this function is binary that is, either a neuron is firing or not. This function looks like P(Vi)=U(Vi) where U is the Heavy side step function.

Activation function answers a single question
“Some of the input switches are turns in. Shall we turn the output switch?”

Activation function is often confused with Non-Linear transformation like a Sigmoid or Softmax .

Infact, when you want an activation, you compute the sigmoid first (since it’s continuously differentiable) and then you send the input to activation function which checks whether the output of sigmoid higher than its activation threshold.

Activation Function is a decision making function that determines presence of particular feature.

Zero means neuron says feature is not present.
One means neuron says feature is present

The reason you find continuous activation functions is for optimisation purpose.

The preceptron are intuitive. We train a network by adjusting the weights by small increments and see what happens.
The problem is the step function , small changes occurring in the weights cannot be reflected in the activation value because it can only swing between 0 and 1.

That is why, sigmoid functions were introduced because they are differentiable , in fact all modern activation functions are continuous and differentiable.
Thus, Activation function is a decision function having some Non- Linearity in them and one needs non-linear decision functions.

 Types of Activation functions:
1.   Threshold Function: A threshold(hard-limiter) activation function is either binary type or a bipolar type.
2.   Binary threshold function can be represented as : 
i.e. It ouputs 1 if weighted sum is positive
and 0 if weighted sum is negative.

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